door WFBN | 20 november 2023 | Actueel
Press release – November 16 Contact: Donna Park, WFM-IGP Congress Chair. Phone: +1 202 546 3950 Email: Critical issues for humanity, such as...
door WFBN | 28 april 2023 | Wereldburgerschap
Lecture by Peter Davidse, Rome summer 1997, on the invitation of John Ewbank. Introduction When we would look at the Earth from the window of a space station, like the Russian ‘Mir’, the world is tranquil, undisturbed and amazingly beautiful. Most of us have the...
door WFBN | 28 april 2023 | Wereldburgerschap
1998-2000 : a historic window of opportunity to build World Democracy by Troy Davis Fifty years ago today, my father, a young and angry American World War 2 veteran, and a bomber pilot who had bombed Brandenburg and Peenemünde, declared himself a Citizen of the World....
door WFBN | 28 april 2023 | Mondiale democratie, Verenigde Naties, Wereldburgerschap
Marjolijn Snippe | 1994 | Let us act towards each other with humility, not arrogance, recognizing that none of us knows all the answers to the manifold problems facing us. / Julius Nyerere Inleiding 1. Gegeven is het feit dat de mensheid op een planeet woont en...
door WFBN | 28 april 2023 | Actueel, Oorlog in Oekraine
Vijay Mehta | Presentatie online bijeenkomst Uniting for Peace Op 20 juli jl. gaf Vijay Mehta een presentatie op de online conferentie “Escalerende oorlog in Europa kan leiden tot WO III – Kan de Vredesbeweging de VS / NAVO, het VK, Rusland, Oekraïne ter...